8 Ways to Commit to a Healthier Work-Life Balance

8 Ways to Commit to a Healthier Work-Life Balance

This post is a long time coming as like many others I have personally struggled with finding a good work-life balance that leaves both worlds happy. Here’s what has worked for me and changes you can implement into your own life.

+Commit to morning and night routines

I had no idea how crucial routines were until I began taking them seriously. A good morning routine sets the tone for the entire day and a night time routine is essential for decompressing from all that you were hit with throughout the day. These are good times to do something for you, it may be journaling, meditation, reading a book or anything else that brings you joy.


In the digital age being bombarded with everyone else’s highlight reels can be exhausting. Take time away from social media to allow yourself to focus on you and only you.

+Get Moving

Had a bad day at work? Maybe you had a mid day meltdown, it’s ok we’ve all been there. I’m not saying a workout is going to fix all that but it sure wouldn’t hurt. We’ve all heard of the benefits endorphins can give you from just a few minutes of movement a day. Nobody regrets a workout afterwards anyways so why not give it a try.

+ Set Clear Boundaries

Everyone has their limits and in todays hustle culture the lines easily get blurred. Setting clear lines from the get go holds you and others accountable, allowing you to avoid burnout. Nobody likes the one person who’s running around like they’re a chicken with their head cut off. Don’t spread yourself too thin it benefits no one. I personal stick to work hours and rarely venture outside of them. You can still be a team player and a top performer while also being unreachable at 8pm, the work email can wait.

+Say ‘No’

I used to be a people pleaser and that quickly lead me down the road to burnout. Learning to say no is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself and your mental health. It’s not about not being willing to help others but simply about prioritizing yourself and your well being. There’s no shame in that. The right people will understand that you aren’t super human and they won’t expect you to be.

+Get enough sleep

Sleep is easily one of the most overlooked parts of selfcare that makes a world of a difference. Lack of sleep=crabby people which nobody likes. Put down the phone and get to be early.

+ Time manage

A little humble brag, but I feel I’ve gotten pretty good at the whole time management thing. As they say “a dream without a plan is just a wish”. Game plan your days and weeks for a easier balance between work and your personal time. You don’t have to always be the first one in and the last one out of the office, be strategic with your time.

+Take time off

They are called vacation days for a reason. You’re not a chipmunk don’t hoard your days off. There will never be a right time to take a day off. There is always something to do and get done. It doesn’t have to be a fancy trip the point is to simply “refill your cup” which will allow you to continue to put out great work. Don’t get to the point of burnout, use those days up.

Finding work life balance is not linear and can take a lot of trial and error. Don’t get discouraged if you fall off I definitely have, the point is to keep working at it.

Have something you think should be on the list? Comment down below!

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