23 Things I Learned in 23 Years

23 Things I Learned in 23 Years

Here we are another rotation around the sun but this time at the new age of 23. It isn’t a memorable year, it doesn’t carry much significance. Yet I’ve always viewed my birthday as an opportunity reflect on the past year, the lessons I’ve learned, mistakes I ‘ve made, goals I’ve reached or fell short of and so much more.

For many this year has been unprecedented, a pandemic turned our lives upside down leaving us all experiencing some form of highs and lows. For me it has been a ‘floater’ year, the awkward transition from broke college student to young professional. As I grow older I have come to learn to love and accept each new phase of life and all the new adventures they bring.

I joke that I’m so old yet I am only 23, I feel as thought I’ve lived so much life already. Perhaps I am an old soul.

I hope you learn a thing or two from the lessons life has taught me. With that being said let’s jump right into my 23 key takeaways.

+It’s ok to say no

People pleasing quickly eats away at you if you don’t come to realize that your time is yours and you don’t owe anybody anything. I learned this the hard way and have since only taken on things that truly align with me and what I want to do.

+Positivity is a choice, chose it daily

Each day is an opportunity to have a fresh start. A fresh slate without any expectations. You receive the energy you give out chose wisely.

+You can’t pour from an empty glass

Coming from someone whose been burnt out in the past, driving yourself to the ground benefits no one. Put yourself first and the rest can follow suit.

+Communication is key

Everything always seems to come down to communication.. People are not mind readers, if you are upset voice it. Good communication takes work and problems are worth working through.

+Don’t be too hard on yourself

We are all our toughest critic and the social media age isn’t helping it. No one is perfect, let it go. You don’t need the extensions, fake nails and spray tan I promise you look fine without them.

+Small steps forward add up

I’m guilty of looking at the big picture and getting easily overwhelmed. Remembering any progress no matter how small is still steps forward.

+Food is fuel

As much as I love mac and cheese, it’s not the most ideal for your body. A body feed whole foods, fruits and veggies is a happy body.

+Step out of your comfort zone

Take the risk especially when you’re still young, the most growth comes from uncomfortable situations that lead to the best opportunities.

+Love hard and often

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, say the ‘I love yous’ you won’t regret them.

+Social media isn’t real

Comparing yourself to other people’s highlight reels is toxic. It’s facetuned and photoshopped trust me.

+It’s ok to outgrow people

People change for better or for worse. It’s ok to move on from friendships and relationships that no longer serve you.

+Do good and good will come your way

Ever heard of good karma? Seems to work for me, why not be nice to people you never know what other’s are going through.

+Surround yourself with people that lift you up

If the people in your inner circle aren’t your #1 fans then it might be worth reevaluating if they are true friends. Surround yourself with ride of dies that support you, believe in you and only want to see you win. I’d rather have a handful of real friends, than a hundred fake “friends”

+Never stop learning

It’s an inescapable truth. You don’t have to be the smartest one in the room and odds are you probably aren’t.

+It’s not worth the stress

Stop stressing the small stuff, I abide by the ‘will I care about this a year from now’ rule.

+Prioritize your mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it can be ignored.

+You have the power to change your life

Realizing you are in control of your own future is empowering and terrifying all at the same time. Use it to propel you forward and go after your dreams.

+Be flexible, plans change

Going with the flow is something I still struggle with but things happen, plans change and things are going to be out of your control.

+Retail therapy works…. but only for so long

The new bag helps, but why are you still crying at 2pm on a Friday? You get what I mean, stop diverging and get to the root cause of things.

+Hard moments make you stronger

The biggest obstacles in life lead to learning lessons that will make you more resilient to mishaps that are bound to happen in the future.

+Being an adult is hard

Not a big fan of this whole paying bills and doing my own laundry thing. As you grow older you begin to realize adults never really had it all figured about and are just winging it majority of the time.

+Learn to love the little things

It’s amazing what an $4 iced coffee can do for my sanity or the effect of someone holding the door for me can have on my day. I’m learning to celebrate the every day because that’s what really keep us going.

+You didn’t waste your time

Regrets and mistakes we make may feel like a waste of time. We question said thing and harp on ourselves about it but in reality they were just lessons that needed to be had.

I got this post idea from Courtney Shields, check out her take here.

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